Home Design Projects for People Stuck at Home During Coronavirus Quarantine

Home Design Projects for People Stuck at Home During Coronavirus Quarantine from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Now that the world has been asked to stay at home during the current Coronavirus outbreak all over the globe, millions of people are wondering how to spend the long hours inside. Instead of snacking on junk food, streaming guilty pleasure shows, and spending hours on the internet, health experts recommend people do activities that are more productive. Lots of people have taken this advice and started working on home improvement and decorating projects while at home stopping the spread of the virus. Here are some home design projects to tackle during the health crisis.

Staging a Home Office

Since a majority of people staying home now are also working from home, one project to start with is creating a home office. Being home with kids, pets, and other family members may make it difficult to get work done during the day. Designating a small home office area may make it easier for workers at home to be more productive. Choose a spot away from the main living spaces so it’s easier to get some peace and privacy.

Planting a Garden

Next, consider using the extra time at home to spruce up the outdoor living space at home as well. With problems getting popular items at the grocery store, it may be wise to start a home vegetable, fruit, and herb garden. Early spring is the perfect time to set up a garden that could help supplement the family food supply during this tough time. It’s easy to set up a raised garden area in an existing backyard or urban area. Plant a few hardy items, such as rosemary, dill, tomatoes, peppers, and lemongrass.

Painting an Interior Room

Now is also the perfect time to give interior rooms a refresh. Order some paint samples online and use this time at home to give interior rooms a new coat of color. Consider using some design elements from the popular mid-century modern design from Joybird company that could help a home look and feel more appealing during this health crisis. That way, homeowners and their families won’t mind being cooped up in their homes as much.

Swapping Out Old Furniture

Plenty of people around the country are also using this time period to start swapping out old furniture pieces for more updated options from companies like Joybird. Luckily, there are many options for online furniture catalogs and layout tools to give homeowners ideas for new setups while they stay at home. After buying new pieces, consider putting older furniture up for sale or swap on social media online yard sale groups.

Power Washing the Exterior

Keeping the home clean is a big concern now that many people are struggling with the fear of catching Coronavirus. While the interior of the home is generally safe from the germs from outside, the exterior of the home may not be as lucky. One way to help ease fears is to do a thorough power wash of the home’s exterior surfaces, such as sidewalks, siding, and decks. Power washing may wash away dirt, grime, and other nasty germs from the outdoor elements.

Installing Smart Technology

Finally, another project to tackle during this extended time away from the office is to install smart home technology. Start with a smart thermostat that can regulate the temperature inside of the home and prevent the sticker shock from a higher utility bill. Additionally, consider installing Google or Alexa devices throughout the interior of the home to put lights and other devices in the smart home network.

Getting through the Coronavirus crisis at home can be easier if people focus on other activities that improve their living spaces. These simple home projects can give people something to do that adds value to their home and more productive activities to their schedules.

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