Happy and Healthy Moms Are the Best!
If you happen to be a mom, more than likely, your entire world revolves around your kids. Being a parent is incredible and is absolutely the most rewarding job on the planet, it’s also one of the most exhausting. Moms are always on duty and get no sick days or weekends off.
Our kids might be the focal point in our lives, but that doesn’t mean we as moms can neglect to care for ourselves in the process. Here’s a quick look at a few ways to keep ourselves happy and healthy so we can do what moms do best: care for our kids.
There are always good days and bad days, and at times, there might be occasions when everything gets to be a bit much and you might need to get a prescription for something to calm you down or pick your spirits up. Then again, you may decide to self-medicate too. Be conscientious with either option so that you don’t become addicted to whatever you might be using. That does more than hurt you, it hurts the entire family. Try to remain focused by using natural methods if at all possible.
You Time
You work so hard and you definitely deserve a few hours or an entire day for a break every once in a while. Plan for a minimum of three hours each week for you to relax and recharge. Take a nice relaxing bath, get a facial, read a book, or walk around the mall. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it relaxes you.
Eat Breakfast
You know how vigilant you are when it comes to making sure your kids have breakfast? You need to be the same way about yourself. Having a single cup of coffee doesn’t constitute a healthy way for your day to begin. Breakfast isn’t just the most critical meal of each day; it also sets the tone for the rest of the day.
You know this. You’ve heard it your entire life. You need to drink eight glasses of water each and every day so that you don’t get dehydrated. Did you know that you can be suffering from mild dehydration affecting your body before you even feel a bit thirsty? That can leave you feeling lethargic, fatigued, and with a headache.
Eat Snacks
Cut up your favorite fresh veggies, whatever they might be, and whatever fruits you prefer before you need them and put them into individual containers or Ziploc bags in the refrigerator so that you can quickly grab healthy snacks on those days when you don’t have time to breathe. Mini meals and healthy snacks throughout your day are a fantastic way for you to keep your energy levels high.
If You Shouldn’t Eat It, Don’t Buy It
Try not to buy junk food such as ice cream, sodas, cookies, and chips. If you have them in the house, they can be difficult to resist. If you happen to be buying them for the kids, understand this – they don’t need them any more than you do.
Move It
Don’t allow your workout to be constantly postponed. Work your exercise into your schedule just like you do parent-teacher conferences and work meetings. Try to schedule your workouts at the same time each day, whether it’s in the evening or first thing in the morning. Whenever you tend to have a bit of free time.
Stay Positive
If you can change the way you think, from thinking negatively to thinking positively, you’ll be able to make drastic changes in your life with the gratitude and appreciation you’ll feel.
Remember that neglecting yourself and ignoring those personal needs we all have as moms can make you feel worn out, stressed, and irritable. It can even make your health suffer. In fact, if you never focus on those needs, you’ll feel less healthy and vibrant while it will also become more difficult to take care of the needs of your children. When you spend the time you need to focus on yourself, you won’t just have more energy, you’ll also be happier, healthier, and better able to have healthy interactions with your kids, making you the best mom you can be.