
Five Outing Ideas for Someone in a Nursing Home

Five Outing Ideas for Someone in a Nursing Home from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

If someone you love is in a nursing home, taking them out is a fantastic thing to do. Imagine being unable to leave your home! Taking them out will give them something to look forward to and help them to feel connected to the outside world. It also gives them a sense of normality and an opportunity to continue doing things they enjoy. The first thing you need to do is figure out how you are going to get there. You are able to hire out taxis with wheelchair accessibility if necessary. Staff should be supportive of this and be able to help you to prepare. You may also want to bring someone else along to help you. Here are some ideas for you to decide where to take them. 

There is an increase in the number of people hiring lawyers for nursing home neglect. So, if your loved one is desperate to get out of their home and you have any concerns, be sure to follow the link above to learn about types of abuse and what you should do if you have any suspicions. 


Shopping can be an easier outing option. Shopping centers nearly always have good wheelchair accessibility, and you can do it in any weather. If there are shops that they used to visit often, this can also be a nostalgic activity. If they need any new clothes or toiletries, it is also great if they can have the opportunity to choose. Continuing to choices available is essential for those who have had much of their independence taken away.


You may be able to find local community centers that run clubs for elderly people. This is a great opportunity for them to socialize with new people and continue any hobbies that they have. You may also be able to find coffee mornings or cafés that run games mornings. 


There are many benefits to fresh air and sunshine for elderly people. It will help them to feel happier and also encourages interaction with others. They may enjoy watching children play outside or seeing people walk their dogs. 

Somewhere with Animals

Animals are also very therapeutic. Especially for those who have difficulty communicating, animals can provide a sense of calm. Animals have no expectations of them. They are also sensory; having the opportunity to handle different animals and perhaps even feed or groom them can help them to keep active. You may be able to take them to a petting zoo, a pet center, or even a larger zoo if they can cope with a long day out and potential crowds of people. 


If they are in a position to handle crowds and being out for longer periods of time, then you may also want to consider shows. Performance can be a great way to engage them. Theatres should have disability access, and you should contact them in advance to tell them your needs. If a young family member is in a show, then this could be an excellent opportunity to keep them feeling connected. 

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