Everything You Need to Know About Repair and Maintenance of a Traditional Home Roof

Your roof, just like any other part of your home, plays an integral role. Not only does it protect your house from different forms of damage, but your roof alleviates the aesthetic value of your house as well. Once you have a damaged roof, the least you can expect is water leaking into your house. This can cause unimaginable damage to your electrical system, ceiling board, and wall, just to name a few. For this reason, it’s of utmost importance to ensure that aside from regularly maintaining the traditional home roof, you should also ensure to fix any damages to your roof promptly by hiring ‘roofers near me‘.
Fixing a leaking hole in your traditional home roof can be as simple as applying roofing cement. You will, at times, be overwhelmed by the cost of repairing an old roof and installing a new one altogether. Whichever you decide on, you should ensure to have an in-depth knowledge of which one carries the most benefit.
But how long should roofs last? What should you consider when carrying out a roof repair or maintenance? This article will delve into the nitty-gritty of traditional home roof repair and maintenance. Read along to find out.
How to Repair a Leaking Roof
If you have a traditional house, a leaking roof is perhaps one of your greatest problems. So, how do you go about fixing a leaking roof?
Before rushing into fixing the actual leak, you should, first of all, determine whether fixing the leaking roof or replacing it entirely is worthwhile. These are the choices that you have.
In a bid to determine which option to pick, you should, first of all, do a thorough analysis of the entire roof. If you identify one or two leaks from a weak spot in the roof, this could probably be due to severe damage. In this case, the best thing is to replace the entire roof.
On the other hand, if you find one or two leaks on the roof but the integrity of the roof stands firm, you can go ahead to repair the leaks. Even so, you should put other factors, such as time and cost, in place before choosing the decision to go with.
If, for instance, you plan on replacing the entire roof after one year, you should then find permanent solutions to the leaking part. However, if your finances are in order, you can go ahead to replace the entire roof.
How to Replace Shingles and Shakes
Shakes and shingles are an integral part of the roof. Due to this, they should always be in good form. To ensure that your shingles and shakes are in top shape, ensure to do a thorough annual inspection of your roof.
But what should you do if you find out that you need to replace a few shakes and shingles? Well, you shouldn’t worry. The good news is that you need not call a handyman for this task. You can handle it yourself.
To do this successfully, you should ensure to, first of all, identify all broken shakes and shingles that are broken. You can then go ahead to remove the damaged shingles and shakes.
Once you are done, you can then replace the shingles and shakes with new ones. If you had any leftovers during the original installation, this will make your work easier. However, if you don’t have any shakes and shingles available, you can simply get your hands in some from your nearest store.
How to Install Attics and Vent
As mentioned before, leaks on your roof can severely damage your walls. This is mainly caused by water or moisture that is trapped in the attic. Once the moisture is trapped, it leads to the formation of mold and, finally, rotting, which can be utterly toxic.
Vents and attics play an important role in ensuring that your roof is well-ventilated. At the least, vents alone ensure that the air temperature between the roof and the attic is well stabilized. It’s for this reason that replacing any broken vents and attics ensures that your roof remains stable at all times.
If the damage to your vent is not massive, you can simply accuse a new one and replace the vent yourself. However, if the attic is the one that causes problems, you can then seek the services of a professional handyman to help you secure the replacement.
You should always remember that since the attic is probably in a more difficult position to reach, you should ensure that only a professional goes up the roof to not only access the attics but do replacements as well.