Diets and Date Nights- Guest Blog
by Leanne Ely, C.N.C
Diets and date nights? Seriously?!
Can you even put those two thoughts in the same sentence? Sure you can! It is possible to make healthy choices and not give up on your goals when you head out to hit the town. All it takes is a little mental preparation and planning.
1. Drink Up – before you hit the town. Now I’m not telling you to get loaded before you even hit the first stop, LOL. I’m saying to have a big glass of water right before you leave. If you’re full on water you’ll be less tempted to overeat.
2. Get the Deets – as in details. If you know in advance where you’ll be dining, it’s easy to look up the restaurant online and take a peek at their nutritional information if it’s available. A lot of restaurants do not have this on-sight so a little investigation before hand is priceless when it comes time to order. Run down the list of possibilities and look for lower carb meals (grilled steak, chicken or fish and in some veggies) that are high in flavor. You might be surprised how much you CAN have!
3. Slide over Sides – and make room for some healthy alternatives. Opt for roasted, steamed or grilled veggies and skip the loaded baked potato or French fries. If your meal comes with both veggies and say a loaded baked potato, ask for double veggies and skip the tempting tater. A side salad is also nice, but make sure it’s worth the calories and is full of dark green leafies and not a Iceberg nightmare drenched in creamy dressing. Remember you can always ask for the dressing on the side then dip your fork in the dressing before dipping into your salad. You’ll still get the great flavor without all the fat.
4. Waiter, More Water – please. Keep that waiter pouring you water. Drink your water before and after your meal for optimal digestion (allow your body’s natural digestive enzymes to do its thing during the meal) and if you want a glass of wine or something with your meal, sip it slowly. (I don’t have to tell you to skip the sodas, do I?)
5. Skip the Sweets – or at least share. Usually the first bite is always the best and we spend the rest of the time trying to recapture that first blissful moment. Instead share your dessert and stop at 3 bites; that’s all you need to get the gist of that goodie!
Above all, enjoy and remember the 90/10 rule. If this Valentines Day is your 10% time to cheat then have a blast and live it up. But be ready to jump back into the 90% the next day!
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