Clever Ways To Save Money On A New Car
We’ve all been there: you desperately need to replace your car, but you just can’t quite muster up the budget to do so. Your current vehicle simply isn’t serving you well anymore; it’s old, it’s in dire need of repair, or it’s not sufficient for your current purposes. Whatever the reason, you need a replacement. Unfortunately, your wallet won’t stretch that far. Don’t worry – we’re here to help you. Here are some of our favorite clever ways to save money on a new car.
Take Out a Loan for it
First and foremost, you should consider taking out a loan for a new car. For instance, logbook loans can be a great way to finance a new car if your old one simply isn’t cutting it. If you want more information about this type of loan, visit logbookloans and find out why loans might actually be better than saving. Loans can boost your credit rating, teach you about better spending habits, and – most importantly of all – give you that cash injection you need.
Use Apps to Track Your Spending
By tracking your spending, you can also make massive inroads into saving money. If you’re spending less every month, then you’ll have a little more to play with, right? Since you’ve almost certainly got a smartphone in your pocket, try out some apps for tracking your spending and creating a budget. Mint and You Need A Budget (YNAB) are two of the best options out there, and they’re both available on Android and iOS devices, so you can grab them whichever phone you’re using.
Watch Out for Adverts
Throughout history, advertising companies have used subliminal messaging and psychological techniques to bring messages across in adverts. If you want to spend less money – thereby saving more for your new car – keep an eye out for when you’re being “advertised at”. The biggest repeat offenders for this are Facebook and Instagram, so while you’re browsing your news feed, make sure you’re watching for ads. Eventually, you’ll be spending less money because you’ll be more alert. Keep reading for more clever ways to save money on a new car.
Cook Your Own Meals
Cooking your own meals at home instead of resorting to take away every time will save you a frankly ridiculous amount of money. By buying your own ingredients and constructing meals from scratch, you’ll soon notice the money piling up in your bank account. This will also have a knock-on effect on your health; you’ll have more energy and feel better because you’ll be eating more healthily. Take it from us: drop the takeaway and ready meals and start cooking for yourself!
Take Advantage of Free Trials
One of the most effective ways to start saving for a new car is to take advantage of free trials for subscription services. Sites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Spotify all offer 30-day free trials, so if you’re not already signed up to those services and want to give them a try – or if there’s something you specifically want to watch – go for the trial first. There’s no need to splurge on a subscription if there’s only one thing you’re interested in – just use the trial to watch it instead.
Buy Own-Brand Goods
Own-brand goods are on the rise, and it’s not hard to see why. Most own-brand supermarket goods – from painkillers to bread to meal ingredients – are just as good as their big-brand counterparts, but you’ll spend significantly less on them. If you buy own-brand goods, you’ll notice that you’re spending way less on food. You might have seen one of the TV shows dedicated to busting the lower-quality myth and thought “they wouldn’t fool me”. Give it a try and see if you miss your big-brand produce!
Sell Some of Your Old Stuff
We’ve all got stuff lying around that we haven’t used in years. If you want to save some money – and, indeed, make some in the process – then selling that stuff is a great way to start. Everything from old phones to CD collections could potentially be valuable, so don’t rule anything out. MusicMagpie, Mazuma, and Ziffit are all great places to start if you want to shift your old possessions. Don’t let them sit around gathering dust – make them work for you instead.
Don’t Spend Windfalls Immediately
It might sound obvious, but many people actually seem to forget that financial windfalls shouldn’t simply be treated as free money. You might be tempted to simply splurge the windfall on something you’ve been planning for some time – a holiday, for example, or a DIY project. This would be a mistake, though. Squirrel some of that money away for your car and before you know it you’ll have accrued all the cash you need. Being savvy with money is a huge step towards saving it!
Check Your Bank Regularly
Supposedly, around 36% of American citizens check their bank accounts every single day. It’s a habit that’s well worth getting into if you want to save money for a new car. If you’re always aware of exactly how much money you have to spend and how much you need to keep back, then you’re less likely to make bad financial decisions and end up with less in the savings coffers. Checking your bank regularly also leads to better mental health; you won’t have that “surprise” constantly looming over you.
So tell me do you have some clever ways to save money on a new car?