Christmas Cards Made Easy
Ever had the right picture but there is just one small detail that doesn’t look right whether it is the drool on a baby’s mouth or that booger hanging out of your kid’s nose. (Don’t laugh- we have one picture of our middle daughter literally blowing a booger out of her nose while she is sitting on her cousin’s lap.)
And now is the time of year that people are starting to make a Christmas card online to send to family and friends. Do you really want to open up a card and see that booger? That could go one of two ways, first the person receiving it could get a big laugh out of it or they can be totally grossed out by it. Like I said one of two ways. So being able to edit your own photos goes a long way to getting that perfect Christmas card. Plus you when you design it online you have tons of Christmas cliparts available to you that standard cards may not offer. Just think of the fun you will have designing your own cards using clipart that will make your card stand out among all the other cards that are sent.
But sometimes time gets away from us or we forget (Guilty as charged) to send the cards. Because let’s face it after the year we have had I am lucky some days if I can even remember where my head is and it is attached to my body. So if you are like me there is also a cool slideshow creator that will allow you to just email your card. I love this idea as it allows me to choose a ton more pictures than a regular Christmas card, plus you are able to share more about what happened during the year. And it is easier than writing those long Christmas letters that people don’t read anyway. And if you never get around to it you can always send New Year’s Greetings.
So tell me what are you doing for Christmas cards this holiday season?
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