Caring for Elderly Parents

Caring for Elderly Parents from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

You may have been wondering for some time if your parent needs a level and quality of care that you can’t provide for them. There are signs to look for in their life and behavior which will let you know that it is time to seek a safe and caring person or facility to assist them. Give your Elderly parents the perfect gift with Ergo tune Comfy and relaxing elderly chair

The first thing you should do is have a conversation with your parent(s) and find out if they have planned ahead and made arrangements for themselves or ever considered what happens when they need assistance with their daily care. If possible, this conversation should take place before they are in a position to need that care. 

If you are not able to have that conversation before they actually need assisted living and senior care, you should be aware of the following situations when deciding how to help them.

Medical Issues: Emergencies, Close Calls, and Incidents

Falls resulting in trips to the doctor, or the hospital for care is one of the biggest things that causes an older person and their family to realize that living alone may not be the best option for them anymore. If you notice that your parent is having trouble walking around certain parts of their home, they can’t manage stairs well anymore, or perhaps they mismanage their medications, then you should seriously consider immediate intervention. 

Watch for Physical Changes

If you notice your parent losing weight, their appearance changes, or they start to have strange body odors, these may be signs that they need help with meals and daily care. Weight loss might mean that they are not feeding themselves often and not nutritious foods. If they are wearing dirty clothes, and they aren’t taking care of their hair and hygiene, your parent might need help in these areas. Another sign would be a messy home or neglect of something that they have been very particular about in the past.

Changes in their Home

It is scary to visit your parent and find that doors have been left open, or there are signs of a fire or something else that indicates forgetfulness. There could be major consequences for them (in the most drastic instances, robbery or injury.) Signs that they are forgetting important things could be a large warning sign for you to have them checked for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. 

Taking Action

Researching your options is the best way to be prepared for when your parent needs help and care. If you are considering moving them to assisted care, you can check out the following link for questions you can ask the people who run the care centers you are considering.

Be Aware of Your Parent’s Feelings

Some parents may not want to leave their homes and enter an assisted living facility. They can be stubborn and afraid of changes, even though they might admit that they need help. Each family is different, and your’s won’t be any different. The best thing to do is to treat them with respect and dignity while working to convince them of the need for this big change in their lives. There are organizations that can offer advice to you for talking with your parent and how to manage the situation if they are not willing to move from their home. Check out the following link for tips if you are facing this situation.

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