Can You Meditate with Your Dog?

Can You Meditate with Your Dog from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

While some prefer to meditate with their eyes open, some others choose to meditate on music, so it makes sense to meditate with your dog, too. Meditation is very personal, and each of us has our style and way of meditating. Here’s throwing some light on whether you can meditate with your dog and how to go about it.

Can You Meditate With Your Dog?

Dogs are calm and loving, so they have a natural disposition towards meditation. They always stay in the moment, without stressing about the future as humans do. Have you noticed how your dogs snuggle up to you when you’re sleeping at times – that’s them being drawn to the calmness and restful energy emanating from you. So yes, you can definitely meditate with your dog. In fact, doing so will also help transfer some of their positive energies and calmness into you, making you feel better. Therefore, dog meditation is a win-win situation for both the dog owner and the pet.

Why Should You Meditate With Your Pet?

Whenever you meditate with your pet, your dog receives several benefits, just like you would do when doing regular meditation. The connection that you get from dog meditation adds more relaxed and less anxious feelings. Apart from that, you can also strengthen safety and build a trustworthy environment that your pets can flourish in. Without a sense of stability, dogs will start to feel insecure and afraid during their early developmental stages. Therefore, the experience and emotions shared while meditating with your pet promotes confidence and lessens the fear. 

Just like regular meditation, puppy meditation also reduces stress. It allows you to take a break from all your worries and results in natural healing capabilities that your body needs. At the same time, the dog may not say it, but they can also feel a rejuvenated body and mind. Moreover, you and your dog can merge to enter a calmer and more passive state where your energy center opens and realigns. It is the same amount of powerful energy that draws dogs to certain people more readily, or when the dog tries to react to a stranger. 

Even in the silence of dog meditation, you and your dog also build bridges of communications wherein both can feel the messages of the heart energy on a vibrational level. It adds peace and harmony that serves as a safety blanket for your dog. Finally, meditating with your dog promotes a more balanced and healthier outlook. Adding dog meditation to your daily routine, even for just 5 to 10 minutes, helps in starting your day. It gives you a calmer, clearer, relaxed, and more alert body and mind.

How To Meditate With Your Dog?

You may not know it, but dogs have their ways of meditating. They do it by merely remaining themselves and focusing on the present, which is every dog’s state of being. If you want to meditate with your dog, all it takes is proper training and creating deeper connections. Dogs are just waiting for their parent owners to invite them to this mantra. Here are some ways on how you can meditate with your dog.

  1. Build Connections – Some would say that this is somewhere in the middle, or the last step, but you have to build connections first before you can establish deeper bonds. You can do it by training your dog to follow you, or simply by just sitting beside you. The best thing about dog meditation is that it doesn’t require any fancy outfits and equipment. You and your dog have to practice a sitting habit. Then, find a quiet and peaceful space in your home. 
  2. Practice Makes Perfect – It is much better if you can meditate with your dog daily. In the same way, when meditating with other people, dog meditation has lots of benefits once done correctly. Practice until you perfect your techniques in achieving a calmer and peaceful state of mind. With regular practice, this kind of meditation will give you better sleep, less anxiety, and increased well-being for you and your dog. 
  3. Engage In Other Meditating Positions – Aside from sitting or lying, walking meditation can also be as profound as sitting practices. This way, you can quickly join your dog in meditating instead of asking your dog to join your meditation, which makes the process easier. While walking, let your dog lead the way. Leave your phone behind, and pay attention to how your dog enjoys walking.
  4. Take Your Time To Enjoy The Environment – It is where deeper connections start to build. Just like your dog, take your time to cherish every detail in your environment. Let it be an inspiration to use all your senses to your surroundings. Enjoy the fresh air, embrace the warm or cold weather, focus on the present, and let gratitude flow over you. It is what meditation is all about. It trains you to focus on little things, and appreciate the gift of the present moment. Your furry friend does it a lot, and all you have to do is to share this thrilling moment with your dog.
  5. Practice Mindfulness – Meditation doesn’t end after every practice or every walk because it is only the beginning. Even when not meditating, you have to practice mindfulness anywhere and while doing almost anything. No matter what you do, you have to put yourself in the present and not get lost in the moment. The more time that you meditate with your dog, the stronger and more meaningful connection you create. 
  6. Be Consistent – Consistency is the hardest thing to do in dog meditation, but the essential ingredient. Creating a deeper level of connection with your dog is one thing, but doing it consistently is another. If you’re able to meditate with your dog regularly, it cements the bond that you have into an extraordinary dog-to-owner relationship. Therefore, work the best that you can to establish that relationship by adding dog meditation to your daily routine. Create time to bond with your furry friend, even in this generation, where people are too busy being online. Get physical and make more memories with your dogs. 


Dog meditation helps in creating deep bonds and understanding between you and your furry buddy. There are different ways on how you can spend and share time with your dogs, and meditation is one of the most meaningful ways to do it. Moreover, meditating with your dogs can improve your overall health and well-being. With all the unconditional love that our dogs give, they also deserve the best appreciation and time from us. So, never think twice for pausing whatever it is that you do. Take a few moments to breathe, bond, and build deeper connections with your most loyal bud – your dog.

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