Apps That Can Help With Writer’s Block

AFM Writer's block



Lately I have suffered from really bad writer’s block, almost to the point that I have seriously thought about quitting this whole blog thing, but I soon realized that this is just passing thing and my writing inspiration will soon return. But just in case I checked into some apps that will give my creativity a good old kick in the behind and get those creative juices flowing. Some of these apps are not free but some are. Here are a few that I have found that seem to help me. And the great thing about this paid apps you can also use them as a business expense on your taxes if you are a writer or a teacher.


  • Prompts– This app cost $2.99. It provides more than 1,000 starting lines or writing prompts for any new piece. As a teacher I see so many uses for this app. What a great way to include technology into the classroom.
  • Writer’s Block Buster– This app is a little more expensive at $3.99, but it allows you to search though a huge vault of questions and explanations to help those times that you just can’t seem to find anything to write about.
  • Evernote– This app is FREE. This app is especially helpful if you suffer from the scatterbrained syndrome, which I am afraid I suffer from daily. It allows you to organize your thoughts and words. Along with that it helps with your structure and content and allows you never to forget those late night thoughts. I have a friend who always seem to have the most brilliant ideas right before she goes to bed but she doesn’t write them down so by morning those ideas are gone.
  • Dragon Dictation– This is another FREE app. I love this app. It is a voice recognition app that allows me to record my thoughts. I use this daily, because let’s face it there are times when a pen and paper are just not that handy.
  • Merriam Webster Dictionary– There is a free version as well as paid version of this one. The free version provides a complete dictionary with a limited Thesaurus. The version is $3.99. It offers a full Thesaurus, voice search, and allows you to look up words without knowing how to spell it.
  • The Brainstormer– This is the cheapest paid app that I found coming in at $1.99. It helps you to combine plot, subject, and a setting that will give you a moment of inspiration. This would be great in a classroom as well.
  • Poetreat– This is another FREE one. This app can be used if you are looking to improve content. It also helps to provide structure.

With any of these apps you will soon bust down those blocks and get those creative juices flowing. So what apps have you found that help when you suffer from Writer’s block?

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