5 Tips to Modernizing Your Home

5 Tips to Modernizing Your Home from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Modernizing your home isn’t just about creating a space that’s new and current, but one personalized to your preferences, tastes, and style. Whether you want to preserve the character or charm of your old home or not, it’s important to create a comfortable and cozy interior space.

Learn the art of balancing the traditional aspects of your home you wish to maintain with the new modern touches you intend to bring in. Whether you’ve just bought a colonial house or simply want to upgrade your Victorian or Edwardian apartment for a modern look and feel, you won’t lack for ideas.

Consider the needs of other members of your family when planning for an upgrade. Modernizing your space won’t just give you the house of your dreams, but also increase its value. Here are 5 tips to help give your home a modern look and feel:

Top 5 Modern Interior Décor Tips for Your Home

1. Work with Neutral Colors

Modern interiors are typical of white, sleek and clean lines. Paint your walls white to give your home a clean, modern look. Keep your rooms simple with only a few furniture pieces such as a coffee table, a coach, and a console. Accentuate the room with white cushions and give the console a white finish.

Use various neutral colors in your room to break the monotony, giving your room a simple, layered look. Add a brightly colored area rug, cushion accent or artwork to create a centerpiece, giving your guests something to marvel at. Pick thick, shag rugs to keep your feet warm as modern floors such as tiles are often cold.

2. Change Your Lighting

A modern home is well-lit with contemporary lights or lamps. Recessed ceiling lighting, pendant kitchen lights, chandeliers, and lamps can work wonders in transforming your living space from its rugged, traditional look to a happy, reminiscent home. Solar tubes, skylights, and large windows or glass walls are great ideas to bring in the more natural light.

3. Add a Home Library, Office or Bookshelf

Modern homes are also typical of home offices in various forms. If you cannot add a home library or office due to space or budget constraints, simply add a bookshelf in your living room. Organize a pile of books horizontally on each shelf according to sizes and colors, and watch your space get a new look.

4. Modern Furniture

Get rid of your traditional furniture for modern, trendy options from a local modern furniture store near you. For instance, consider outdoor furniture and round wooden or glass dining tables as they’re easy to clean and take up less space. If you prefer wooden dining tables, consider those in black, white or any other neutral color for a contemporary yet modern look.

5. Replace Your Old Appliances with Modern Ones

Invest in an eco-friendly friendly refrigerator, smart TV, electric cookers, oven, microwaves, washing machines and security systems, among others. Despite being more cost-effective than old appliances, modern appliances are also energy-efficient and come in various finishes for a personal touch.

Colorful modern pop and contemporary artwork, plants, glass or ceramic vases (bright or neutral colors), unique lamps, open shelves, and floating or open staircases are also perfect for modern spaces. Also consider built-in wine coolers, a bar sink, and seats, sleek white countertops, white kitchen cabinets with modern handles and molding.

Don’t forget to keep your home clean and clutter-free.

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