3 Ways to Give Back to Your Community & Volunteer

3 Ways to Give Back to Your Community & Volunteer from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Addiction is a terrible monster to carry with you because your addiction causes damage to your friendships, family ties, and even your career. It is never a journey you take alone. Every time you brush off a friend or family member’s attempt to help you, you hurt them. Every time you betray them, you’re causing issues that may never be rectified. Every time you hurt yourself, you’re also hurting those who love you. The road to recovery is long, but unfortunately, it can only be taken when you first accept that you need help.

Once you have reached this point, it’s time to strap in because your recovery is going to be long and hard. Kickstart the process with great centers such as rehabs in San Diego or wherever you wish to recover, and once you have cleared the drug from your system and have started on the path to recovery, reconnect and give back to your community. Such a sense of worth can help your esteem and help reduce any guilt you may be feeling, as well as putting you in an environment where you can find new people to befriend.  

Clean Up Your Community

You can join local clean-up initiatives, or you can do this on your own time. Either way, it’s a great way to better your community. To start, find what local clean up or recycling initiatives there are near you. This could be a group that goes through local parks to clean up any trash, or it could be a volunteer organization that goes through trash to sort out any and all recyclables. On your own time, all you need to do is bring a garbage bag with you. On your way home from work, pick up any and all garbage that you might see.

Help The Homeless

Another great way to give back and to make new connections with people who are more likely to understand your addiction is to volunteer at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. This way you can not just help your community, you can make important connections and even friendships with those who are at their most vulnerable. If your addiction has similarly caused you to lose your home in the past, then this is a great way to help someone else back onto their feet.

Help Animals in Need

Of course, if you need an understanding figure in your life, there is no better place to look than an animal. Though you shouldn’t take on the responsibility of a pet yourself until you are more financially secure – dogs, for instance, can cost tens of thousands to keep over their lifetime – you can benefit from their presence. To do this, give back. Volunteer or donate to a local animal rescue group in any way you can. This can be directly, or it can be indirectly through donations.  

Addiction can be developed in anyone, even mothers. Work on giving back to the community and be committed to your road to recovery, and you can earn back the love and trust of those who matter most to you, your family. Give back and take each day at a time. Overcoming addiction is more than just weaning yourself off your poison of choice, it’s mending those connections and making new ones. You need to change your life because addiction is very rarely just about the substance itself, but due to some underlying cause in your life. Better who you are, give back and have hope for your future.

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