Work-Family vs Family-Work: Conflict Among Working Mothers
Your career is important to you, but so is your family. Sometimes it may be difficult to balance the two, but it is possible. Working mothers sometimes have to maintain a full-time job and long work hours to support their families. Single mothers often face this problem since they don’t have a spouse to help with work-life balance.
Are you a working mom struggling to choose between your job and your family?
There are ways to balance both your work life and your time at home with your kids. Read on to learn more on how to help you work towards making adjustments in your life.
Family Vs Work: Advantages of Choosing a Career
No matter what profession you’re in, you’ve worked hard to get where you’re at. Between stressful interviews, long hours, difficult clients, and rough deadlines work can leave you exhausted at the end of the day. When considering a work-family conflict, there are definitely advantages to focusing on your career even with a family.
- You Bring in Valuable Income
Sometimes, the only reason a mother has to maintain a full-time job is to support a family. Many single mothers want to provide a quality life for their children and have to work long hours or many jobs.
Single parent households are becoming more common these days, making single parent statistics a trend to watch. In America today, 1 in 4 children under eighteen are raised without a father. Most of these single mothers work outside the home to generate an income for their family.
- You Can Be a Role Model
As a successful mother working and supporting her family, you can be a strong role model for your kids. By teaching them about responsibility and goals, you instill a sense of work ethic. Plus, many children in working-parent households learn how to be self-sufficient through chores.
Remember that as a role model, you need to spend time and communicate with your kids as well. Make time in your schedule to spend a day with them.
A Family-Work Conflict: Advantages of Choosing Family
Are you considering cutting back on your work hours or quitting your job to spend more time at home?
This is a big decision to make and you should consider your financial and personal situation. However, there are definitely benefits to spending more time with your kids. So in the battle of career vs family, why should you choose a family?
- To See Your Kids Grow Up
Children grow up fast. You may feel bad if you miss the first day of school, or if you can’t attend their plays or performances. There are many milestones that you can see in person if you choose to spend more time with your family.
- Kids Benefit from a Stay-at-Home Parent
Young children in the early stages of development profit from having a parent at home. A baby’s brain goes through many changes and doubles in size after the first three years. Many countries offer extended leave to allow new mothers to bond with their baby.
Not only do young children benefit, but a stay-at-home parent also has a positive impact on older kids. In a study of educational performance, older children with a parent at home benefited more.
Should Women Have to Choose Between the Two?
This is a question many new moms are asking themselves. The choice between career or family is a hard one to make. There are pros and cons to choosing each path and it comes down to what makes you happy.
Many parents balance both a job and a family, while some women are happy being full-time mothers. If you do decide to continue working after your maternity leave, you may need to make some changes in your life.
If you’re a single mom, finding someone that likes kids and is willing to help can do wonders. For busy moms, check out to find the right partner online.
What Is the Right Decision for You?
Deciding what works best for both your career and your family might take some trial and error.
You might be wondering whether you can balance your motherhood and career. If you want to keep your job, consider taking fewer hours, talking to your boss about reducing your workload, or agreeing to take your work home.
If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, you can always earn extra income by blogging or picking up a remote position. Just make sure that you have time to yourself to focus on work where you won’t be disturbed by your kids.
You can even start a childcare business at home as long as you follow local laws and requirements for licensing.
Pick the Right Choice for Yourself and Your Family
No matter what you choose, make sure that you don’t have regrets. Talk to your spouse and come up with some options. If you’re a single mother, talk to friends and family about the decision.
No matter which road you take in the battle of career vs family, make a choice that makes you and your family happy.
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