Wild Bird Food You Can Make at Home

Wild Bird Food You Can Make at Home from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Well, y’all, winter is coming. These days, I can never really be sure what it’ll bring, but one thing that happens in the run-up to winter is bird migration. Many people like to place bird feeders in their yards to provide some sustenance to these far-flying visitors and because they enjoy seeing the different species that come through. The thing is, bird feeders must be filled with bird food. Now, y’all know I’m not crazy about spending money when I don’t have to, so I figured there had to be a way to learn about wild bird food you can make at home. Turns out, I was right.

Unsalted Sunflower Seeds and Peanuts

Many species of birds love sunflower seeds. Black oil sunflower seeds are best, as they provide fat, protein, and fiber. Birds love peanuts, too—just be sure to use unsalted varieties and to chop them finely for those tiny beaks and bellies.

Suet Balls

You can make your own suet balls at home and hang them in netting for birds to peck at. Carefully melt fresh suet from your butcher in a saucepan, and then mix in sunflower seeds, finely chopped peanuts, and finely chopped dried fruit (dried fruits will expand when exposed to moisture, and large pieces could hurt the birds). Scoop the mixture into silicon muffin molds or form it into balls with your hands. Refrigerate overnight. Wrap the cooled, solidified balls in netting, and hang them from a tree branch. Don’t use suet in the summer—it’ll go rancid. Keep the balls refrigerated so that they stay solid and fresh until you’re ready to use them.


Fresh, soft fruits such as apples and pears are easy to hang so that birds can peck at them. Slice an apple in half and give it a smear of peanut butter, and you’ve got a bird party invitation. Keep in mind, however, that any fresh food you hang outdoors will attract creatures other than birds, so hang fruit out of reach of tree-climbers such as squirrels and raccoons. If birds don’t finish off the fruit quickly, take it down and dispose of it so that it doesn’t get moldy, which would be bad for birds that come looking for a snack.

Nectar for Hummingbirds

It may come as a surprise, but there’s no magic to making nectar for hummingbirds to enjoy. Among the wild bird food you can make at home, hummingbird nectar is probably the easiest. It’s just sugar and water. Yep, that’s it—one part sugar to four parts water. Dissolve the sugar completely in the water, and put the nectar in your hummingbird feeder. It’s way cheaper than store-bought nectar, and adding food coloring isn’t necessary. Plus, you’ll know exactly what’s in it.

There you go! Making wild bird food at home is one way enjoy nature and save money at the same time.

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