What Do Real Estate Agents Actually Do?

What Do Real Estate Agents Actually Do from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

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Real estate agents play an important role in the housing market and the real estate industry, yet are still somehow underrated as an occupation. Most of this stems from the fact that there is some confusion about what real estate agents actually do. Some people don’t know what a real estate agent’s daily work routine is like and how important it is to the flow of the housing market. However, real estate agents have developed into a key player in the housing markets and have helped millions of people across the country buy or sell a home. Whether they’re a real estate agent trying to sell million-dollar Manhattan apartments or a rural agent just trying to sell a property for a couple of thousand dollars, they still have an important role to play. However, what exactly are the duties and responsibilities of a real estate agent? Here’s what real estate agents actually do.

Interact With Clients and Understand Them Better

Interacting with your clients seems to be given, but not a lot of people think about this part of the job when thinking of real estate agents. A real estate agent needs to understand their clients so that they can fully grasp their needs and desires. If your client is looking to sell their home, then you need to be able to fully understand what they are looking to sell it for, what’s going to be included, and much more. If your client is looking to buy a home, then you’ll need to understand things such as what their price range is, where they want the location of their new to be, and what features they want to have in their new home. If you’re a real estate agent and don’t spend a considerable amount of your time interacting with and understanding your clients, then you’re probably going to have a bad time.

Help Clients Find Potential Homes or Sellers

After you have begun to understand your clients better, it’s time to actually start to use that information and put it to work. This is the part of your job where you’ll be comparing your clients’ wishes to the market. This will allow you to find any matches and will hopefully allow your clients to get as close to what they want. Your client may not always get exactly what they want, and that’s perfectly okay. They may struggle to find a buyer for their home at their initial price, so they may have to settle for a little less, or they might not find exactly all of the features that they wanted in their dream home. However, you should try your best to satisfy all of their wants and desires and, at the very least, find them an option that comes closest to satisfying them.

Network With Other Agents

One of the most underrated aspects of a real estate agent’s job is networking with other agents. This allows real estate agents to find great homes available for their clients looking to buy and allows them to find those looking to sell some potential buyers. Being able to network with other real estate agents is a huge asset, as it will allow a real estate agent to have a pulse on the market. In addition, a real estate agent’s networking ability may play a role in negotiations with other real estate agents. A real estate agent with little to no networking ability will likely struggle to find their clients good deals, so real estate agents will likely spend a good amount of time networking and becoming familiar with the real estate market.

Did you know if you live in Texas, agents there must operate under the guidance of a sponsoring broker? (If you’re not sure where to find one, then look for “sponsoring broker texas” on the web). A sponsoring broker ensures compliance with state regulations and ethical standards in their property transactions.

Prepare For Property Tours

This part of the job is what everyone typically thinks of when they think of a real estate agent. Property tours are going to be a huge part of your job regardless of whether your client is selling a home or buying one. If your client is looking to sell a home, then you’ll probably want to be there when potential buyers tour the home. This allows you to point out features that could enhance the home’s value and ultimately close the sale for your client. If your client is looking to buy a home, then you probably should still tag along for property tours, as it will allow you to point out any positives or negatives about the home that your client may have missed. Your experience in the real estate market is invaluable to your client, so attending these tours will be a big part of your job.

Draft Offers 

A huge part of being a real estate agent is all of the paperwork that you need to handle for your client. This might mean reviewing documents for them or even drafting offers or acceptance letters for them. In order to do this, you will need to be well-educated and well-versed with all the rules, laws, and regulations that are associated with creating and reading through these documents. Keeping track of all of the paperwork for your clients can be a hassle, but that doesn’t make it any less important to the job. A good real estate agent will be able to draft offers as well as any other form of paperwork that their client requires.

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