Understanding the Steps of Filing a Mesothelioma Claim
If you have ever been diagnosed with mesothelioma from exposure to asbestos, then there is a chance you will need to file a claim to receive compensation for yourself and your family. This form of cancer is aggressive and life-changing and doesn’t typically show itself until several years after exposure to asbestos. It most commonly affects those who work in certain industries like construction, mechanics, shipyard, mining, factory workers, firefighters, refinery workers, and certain manufacturers. Whether you come down with mesothelioma as a result of asbestos explore or another health condition such as cancer of the larynx, lungs, or ovaries, you have the right to seek compensation from the at-fault party, in many cases, the employers who allowed exposure to the dangerous substance. Filing a claim against the source of your infection can be tricky and hard to prove. And you will need the services of experienced mesothelioma attorneys who can help navigate the legal process.
How a Mesothelia Lawyer Can Help
A mesothelioma lawyer can help you get compensation to help with some of the following:
- The money can give you a future for your family. Cancer will create a financial hardship that will need to be filled somehow.
- You can also get help with the cost of expensive treatments that are not typically covered by insurance.
- Pain and suffering are also considered in the claim.
- If you lost employment or the ability to work, this can be considered in the claim, as well.
- And in some cases, funeral costs and the expenses of end-of-life care.
The Steps You Need to Take to File a Mesothelioma Lawsuit
There is a lot of information that will need to be collected in order to prove your case for asbestos exposure. But here are the steps that will need to be taken
- The first step to a victorious lawsuit is to hire an attorney that specializes in mesothelioma cases. With these types of cases, there is usually a no-risk consultation to talk with them about the case. And most of the time you do not pay a cent until the case is won.
- The discovery phase is the part where your attorney will ask questions and gather evidence. They will examine your work history and all the medical files that you have.
- You will also need to provide accurate testimony to your lawyer. This is where you will need to fill in the holes in the work history and medical files.
- Once your lawyer has gathered evidence and facts, they will be able to show you the options that you have for a claim. You might have a personal injury claim, wrongful death lawsuit, or an asbestos-related claim.
- Your attorney will also need to help you file the necessary paperwork that is required before a claim can be made.
- Your case will be filed with the courts where it will be weighed accordingly. You will be advised of any news or decisions that the judge will have ruled on your behalf.
Your lawyers will be your eyes and ears to a victorious case. Once the lawsuit has been won, they will be able to pay out the money and help you pay off your legal bills.