Places to Clean in Your House to Keep Pests Out

Places to Clean in Your House to Keep Pests Out

How many of y’all would scream if you saw a cockroach scurry around the kitchen floor? I definitely would. Then, I’d drop all plans for the rest of the day to insect-proof my house.

Before that happens, though, it’s better to be proactive and plan. With that said, here’s a list of some places to clean in your house to keep pests out.

Under the Sinks

The underworld beneath your sinks is nasty. It’s the first place I’d begin since it’s damp, dark, and generally filled with many hiding places. Empty everything so that you can quickly seal any cracks along creases or fix any leaks. Lots of critters come into the house looking for water, food, or shelter. Taking away the option of water will limit the reasons that pests would want to become your roommates.

Up in the Ductwork

How often does anyone ever clean the ductwork? Where do you even start? If there haven’t been any infestations of pests in your ductwork, excellent! Still, it’s wise to protect the area for the future. You can set traps on the inside near the ends to catch any investigative animals. If they’ve already come in before, you need to clean the vents thoroughly so that animal matter (urine, feces, hair) doesn’t spread any farther into your house.

Around the Entryways

Areas near the doors and windows are also places to clean in your house to keep pests out. You don’t want to make it enticing or easy for critters to cross the barriers leading into your home. Keep your patios and porches free of leaves and branches by sweeping them periodically. On the inside, clear away any other debris or clutter.

Regularly clean these areas as well. No matter how hard you try, there will always be some small insects that die trying to get through the closed window. When sprinkled along the windowsill, they make excellent bait for more giant insects looking to grab a snack.

Y’all, don’t wait until you have a pest problem before you start eliminating opportunities for them to come inside. Be proactive about cleaning your house, and you’ll be less likely to encounter any bug dashing across the kitchen floor.

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