Parental Guidance A Movie for the Whole Family

Parental-Guidance-PosterI recently read in the newspaper an awful review of the movie, Parental Guidance, and I will have to say that I totally disagree with what the writer said. I find that it was refreshing that there is a movie that the whole family could see that did not involve foul language or sexual overtones. Parental Guidance is great wholesome family movie that bridges the gap between generations.

Here is brief summary of the movie plot:
Comedy legends Billy Crystal and Bette Midler play Artie and Diane Decker, who are called in by their daughter (Marisa Tomei) to help care for their three grandkids. When their old-school parenting methods collide with their daughter’s new-school ways, the once-orderly household spins out of control.

First and foremost I must say that I love Billy Crystal and his kind of comedy is hilarious to me and to pair him up with Bette Midler was a stroke of genius on the director’s part. I loved how their daughter, struggles with leaving her family and quite frankly I found it refreshing to see a mom on-screen that did not look picture perfect in every part of the film. Because let’s face it, honestly does your hair always look like you are ready for a photo shoot? I love that she was a mom that I could relate to. And her children were quite funny. They were so focused on their future goals that they forget to take part in what is happening in the present missing out on the fun of being kids.

I was also really impressed with the RLife house that they lived it. It was a computerized house that was voice activated. Seeing the older generation deal with the technology use was great. It reminded me a lot of my parents. Whenever they need something fixed on their computer they call me or most often than not my girls to fix it for them.

This movie appeals to everyone. For the younger children, there are the struggles of overcoming odds, and finding their place in the world. Parents can easily identify with the parents in this film wanting the best for their children- but not really sure how to go about getting that for them. And then there are the grandparents, who struggle with being replaced in society and trying to find where they fit in before they are lost.

This movie is heart warming, funny, and a great family movie for all ages. Parental Guidance gets my 2 thumbs up. Check your local listings to find a theater near you that it is playing and give yourself a New Year’s Treat with this movie.

Disclaimer: I received complimentary tickets to attend the prescreening of Parental Guidance. No monetary compensation was provided. All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

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  1. This movie looks really cute, we saw the movie preview for it last week. Hubby is a huge billy crystal fan, lol.

  2. I just read another blog that really liked the movie and didn’t agree with the reviews. I’ll definitely check it out.

  3. I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie with the family. I’m a big fan of both Billy Crystal and Bette Midler. Glad to hear you liked it!

  4. This looks like such a fun movie. I too, have read an okay review for it, so thank you for letting me know that it IS a good one to see, ha, ha, ha!!!

  5. I haven’t gotten out to see a movie in ages– once since I had kids and my oldest is 3 1/2. I am forever looking for new movies and hoping I’l get to go to the theatre– otherwise I’ll rent later. Thanks!

  6. This movie is a perfect time for my family. Eager to see this movie. 🙂 Thank you for the advice. 🙂

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