Finding Your Way At The End Of A Relationship


It can be difficult to navigate the emotions of contemplating divorce, navigating the maze of attempting to avoid it or even picturing life after a divorce. Nobody thinks about these problems before they get married, but nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

You are not alone if you find yourself in one of these stages. Divorce is an emotionally charged and deeply personal event, so even if you know someone who has gone through a similar scenario, walking through the process under your unique set of circumstances may be daunting.

It’s also worth noting that deciding to divorce isn’t a personal failing. Marriage is not always the greatest long-term decision due to factors beyond your control. Recognizing that something has to change, whether it’s adultery, poor communication, financial difficulties, or an abusive environment, is never a failure.

Over half of all divorced persons talked about their situation before making the decision. Whether it’s a trusted friend, a parent, a sibling, or even an attorney, talking about the situation and possible solutions has the power to help you feel less alone and more in control of what happens next. 

While just 36% of individuals say they spoke with a lawyer before deciding to divorce, it is a good idea to have a trustworthy attorney go through the details. This does not imply that you are out to get your spouse or that you are just concerned with equitable financial or property distribution. A knowledgeable attorney can help you understand how the process works, what steps to take, and how to prepare for the challenges ahead.

If you find yourself in this predicament, remember that millions of other individuals have undoubtedly felt the same way you do. It’s understandable to be concerned about the effects of divorce on your children, extended family, and long-term living arrangements. Finding someone to confide in and taking care of yourself are two things you can do while navigating this scenario.

Infographic designed by: Spodek Los Angeles Divorce Attorneys

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