Family Management Made Easy

I was given the opportunity to review an unbelievable family management service, AboutOne. All I can say is wow. At first I was a little overwhelmed with the amount of information that this website contained. There are several incredible features to it. It can do just about anything except clean your house. Now if it could do that I would be at a loss for words. Imagine sitting down to write your yearly Christmas letter-trying to recall all the details of the past year making sure to include all the important things only to remember yet another thing when you are done. Your options are to tear up the letter and start over or to leave that important event out. But if you had this service it will allow to record all the important events during the year and when you sit down to write that Christmas letter, you just pull out those reports and Viola, you are done. Imagine how much easier that Christmas letter will be now.
Date night??? Do you stress over making sure the babysitter has all the instructions they need. With this service you can simply print out a sheet with all the important information and leave it with the sitter. Now you will able to relax and enjoy your evening.
You can also use it to track the maintenance on your home and vehicles. Now you don’t have to remember when the last time you had the oil changed or the tires rotated you can simply go in AboutOne and look it up. (This is if you remembered to input that information.) You can keep track of volunteer hours (which is a great feature that we will be using a lot considering that Maddie is required to do volunteer hours for school.)
Speaking of schools, their education tracker is awesome. We will soon be faced with filling out the dreaded college applications. This little site will come in handy. It is like using a cheat sheet on a test.
Another great feature is that it allows you to track the medical history of each and every family member. They even have a caregiver report. This option I found very useful because Mikaela, middle daughter, was referred to another doctor and I was able to print out her medical history to help fill out the necessary paperwork.
AboutOne is an awesome site. There is a lot of inputting of the initial data at set-up which can be a little daunting. But after the information is inputted, it is easy to navigate and to use. It is well worth the time to set it up.
AboutOne has granted the readers of Adventures of Frugal Mom, an exclusive free trial of their product. Yes, that is right another exclusive deal for you, my readers. Go to Trial, to check it out. So be like Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial years ago, “Try it you might like it?”
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of AboutOne. All opinions are 100% mine.

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