Benefits Of Home Fountains

Benefits Of Home Fountains from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Throughout history, moving water has long been a well-known source of wellbeing and enchantment, helping individuals feel refreshed and more relaxed. If you have ever sat next to a gurgling brook or waterfall, then you know just how soothing the sound of running water can be.

These days, we mainly live indoors disconnected from Nature and surrounded by mostly unnatural sounds.  We might feel closed in and completely overwhelmed by our high-tech, fast-paced lives. A bubbling indoor fountain can help to block out harsh noises while allowing us to tune into those natural rhythms that are inside ourselves.  Pausing momentarily to watch an indoor fountain can help us experience the present with much greater appreciation and fullness.

 Humidifies Dry Air

Fountains humidify dry air naturally.  Flowing water has a peaceful sound that is much more pleasant than listening to a humidifier’s hum.  The environment surrounding a fountain’s flowing water is enriched naturally by negative ions. That is one of the reasons why we feel so good when we are around one.  You might have heard that when the atmosphere has too many positive ions from air pollution as well as other factors that it can cause disease.  Whenever there are more highly concentrated negative ions, there is a beneficial effect on the mind and body, along with a sense of ease and possible enhancing of mental clarity.  Also, negative ions help with cleaning the air.

Feng Shui

The Chinese practice the traditional art of placement called Feng Shui.  The principles of this practice are just now beginning to spread into Western decorating trends.  In the United States, in particular, it has developed a very positive reputation and many consumers consulting with Feng Shui experts in order to get their working and living spaces arranged in the most optimal ways, according to ancient values.

Nature is Feng Shui’s major principle.  It produces spiritual energy called Ch’i (Qi).  Feng Shui followers believe that Chi’s flows all around us at all times.  The literal translation of Feng Shui into English is “Wind-Water,” with Chi-being the energy flowing between the two aspects.  The major aim of Feng Shui is to synchronize belongings, landscaping, living spaces and land with the Ch’i flowing through our lives.  When done correctly, individuals can achieve Harmony or Tao. 

Many people in Western countries view Feng Shui as a very confusing and complicated practice.  However, there are smaller steps that people can take to transform their offices or home.  A great example of this is an indoor water fountain.

Indoor fountains, such as these from Luxe Water Walls, provide their offices or homes with the soothing sounds of naturally flowing water.  An indoor fountain can greatly complement living spaces and any Feng Shui improvements made.   Having moving water present fills Shui requirements or the water component.  According to this practice, when a wall fountain is placed close to a door entrance, it can help business transactions succeed, to enhance the career area of one’s life.  In a room used for reading or studying, an indoor fountain is placed in a room’s knowledge Gua (area) for promoting learning.    

It has also been proven scientifically that indoor fountains are a good negative ion source, which positively affects health.  Due to the negative ions and water sources, a fountain also fulfills the Chinese philosophy’s wind or Feng aspect.  Placing a water fountain inside of a room transforms the air supply of the space.

The best solution for easily transforming an office or home into a Feng Shui paradise is to add a fountain.

Flowing Water Symbolism

Water is ever mutable and adapts to whatever shape it is flowing over.  Water teaches us to “go with the flow” and humility.  Water also is very strong.  It transforms anything that is in its path very gradually without a lot of exertion.

Humans have a tendency to resent our circumstances and resist change.  We forget to allow our feelings and thoughts to flow when necessary.  We resist and hold back since we think it will make us weak to let go.  A fountain can remind us to let go of our resistance and limitations. They show how subtle strength can be maintained through acceptance.  Thier gentle trickling inspires us to keep our softer soulfulness alive.  Fountains can remind us that everything is well.

The Truth Regarding Negative Ions

Other benefits besides just looking good are provided by fountains.  Although the impressiveness and sheer size of the many of the world’s most famous natural founds are breathtaking and awe-inspiring, there is also scientific evidence about other phenomena at work.  Have you ever noticed how good you felt when you stood next to a rocky ocean shore, active mountain stream or large waterfall?  That is due to the presence of negative ions, which are particles of air.

Negative ions, despite what their name might suggest, have a very positive effect on our bodies.  Remember your mother telling you to get some fresh air when you were a kid?  Well, it turns out there was some truth to that.

Negative ions are oxygen ions with extra electrons attached to them.  They get produced out of disturbances within water molecules such as in indoor fountains or fast-flowing rivers.  Negative ions cause that vigorous feeling that you get when you stand looking out at Niagara Falls or breathe in country air. 

It has been proven that negative ions have a beneficial effect on our mood and healthy through affecting the levels of serotonin inside of our brains.  In addition, negative ions bond and cling to the impurities in the air to act as a natural air purifier.  Positive ions, on the other hand, are responsible for that groggy feeling people often experience after being cooped up indoors or inside of a closed car.   Since sunlight and flowing water produce large quantities of negative ions, there is a much greater quantity of negative ions in rural areas compared to metropolitan zones.  

For example, the air surrounding turbulent water sources such as Niagara Falls may have an average of 30,000 to 100,000 negative ions on a per cubic centimeter basis.  By contrast, a stuffy office or car might contain a few hundred and down to zero negative ions per cubic centimeter.   There is a very telling correlation between the general moods and amount of negative ions in these places.    

However, it is very easy to improve negative ion counts.  An indoor water fountain will significantly change the invisible air quality of whatever room it is placed in.

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