Are You Blue??? That is Smurftastic!!!!

Yesterday we were all blue. Blue for the Smurfs. We had a smurftastic time. Let’s start with the prep work. I really did not know what to serve at this party because it had been so long since I had watched the Smurfs but I did come up with some simple and easy ideas that did not hurt my pocketbook and got the kids involved as well. So here goes all the good news on the party. (Let me start that there were about 10 kids that we invited but I did not look at the calendar and did not realize until the invitation were sent out that I was competing with several Christmas parades that day. But still the ones that came were awesome.) So let’s get on with the show.
First the guests were asked to wear blue and look who came to join the fun. Smurfette made an appearance.
Here they are ready to get their blue on.

Making Smurf face cookies. I am not a great sugar cookie baker, mine always come out in odd shapes. So I picked up these premade cookies at Walmart. Just add some blue food coloring to frosting and it is instant Smurf.  They made faces out of mini m&m’s. It  looks like the little Smurfs are saying don’t eat me. lol

More Smurf making.
Of course no Smurf can not live without their house. These were so simple and easy to make. Just take a marshmallow, dab a little bit of icing on top of it and add a vanilla wafer. Instant mushroom.

Someone got carried away with the m&m’s

Of course we can’t forget the blue punch.
 It is just blue Hawaiian punch I put in the blue container.

Smurfette and her house

Oh no Mikaela is eating a Smurf!!!!

Stealing those m&m’s

Getting their blue on.

 Azrael  the cat (Allie, our dog) eating a smurf. Notice the blue icing.

Did you know that if you eat a Smurf you turn into one? NO not really but sounds good right.

Before we started the crafts, the girls sat down to watch a local television show that had the Smurfs on it back in May. I wrote a  blog post about that read it  here.

Oh no!!! Gargamel (AKA Daddy/Raul) is trying to steal Smurfette.
Gargamel and his cat Azrael.
The real Gargamel  and  Azrael  but I kind of likes our better.
Now it is was on to the crafts. The girls made magnets and smurf boxes.

Here the girls are looking at pictures of the smurfs and decided whether they want to trace or free draw them on on white paper.

Working hard but wait time to take a break for a
Blue Potato Chip!!!!
Working hard on their magnets!!!

This one was traced. But wanted to show you a finished magnet.
Next was the smurf boxes.

No Matti those eyes aren’t for you!!!

Working hard on those boxes.

A not quite finished Smurfette.
The party winded down with coloring.

Everybody had a good time and we even able to save Smurfette from  Azrael and Gargamel.
Smurfette says it was a SmurfTastic Day!!!

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