5 Ideas to Create a Wonderful School Playground

5 Ideas to Create a Wonderful School Playground

Every child has a right to play as it helps promote their mental, emotional and physical well-being. Play also helps children make their own rules, exercise creativity and decompress after spending long hours in the classroom. Your responsibility is to make sure that the playground is a safe space where children can build social skills and blow off steam. The playground should also cater to the needs of each student to prevent others from feeling left out. Here are some of the few effective ideas to create a wonderful playground.

Provide seating space for guardians and teachers

It is essential to have an adult supervise the children while they play outside. However, since they are not as energetic as the young ones, they will get tired quicker. It would be best to set up comfortable seats at an appropriate vantage point where they can step in to help in case of any injuries or foul play.

Include activities for artistic kids

Children who aren’t interested in sports might feel bored during recess and resort to staying in their classrooms. You could offer a variety of activities on the playground by converting one side of a building into a giant chalkboard where children can exercise their creativity. Another alternative would be setting up a sandpit where young ones can build sandcastles and let their imagination run wild.

Make your playground eco-friendly

At their core, playgrounds are eco-friendly as they move children away from technological devices. They also give children an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Consider using more eco-friendly commercial playground equipment made from recycled materials that are twice as durable as steel equipment. Your playground will last longer plus you will be saving the environment as well!

Incorporate some greenery

If your playground is located in a more urban area, you might want to consider adding some natural elements such as greenery or colorful planters. It is essential that you expose your students to nature to help boost their overall well-being and help make the area look livelier. Ensure you plant trees in the playground to offer excellent shade from the hot sun. An excellent alternative for playgrounds containing limited space would be to plant various bushes and shrubs.

Divide the playground into different sections

Zoning out the current spaces in your playground allows you to make the playground safer and more functional for the kids. A child playing by the swings is less likely to be hit by a stray football if you take time to divide the playground correctly. You will also encourage the children to play in the unused areas of the field.

Wrapping up

In a nutshell, a playground should enhance the child’s cognitive learning, increase their fitness levels, improve their concentration in class and help them learn a few social and emotional skills. It would be best to assess the needs of both your students and the teachers to come up with a suitable playground that makes everyone happy. If you want to refresh your playground on a budget, you could prioritize the areas that need urgent renovation and make gradual improvements as you see fit.

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