5 Essentials Every Mom Should Have In Her Medicine Cabinet
When it comes to kids, there is no shortage of illness or injury. Whether they’ve caught the latest bug going around, get their finger stuck in a drawer, or burn themselves it’s important to always have the necessary tools on hand.
Depending on their specific condition you may need specialty items which your doctor will have to write a prescription for. However, for your every day most common issues, here are the essential things that every mom should keep in her medicine cabinet.
Neosporin is one of those magical elixirs that we wonder how we ever got by without. This soothing antibacterial cream works for just about everything from scratches, to skin irritation, to burns.
When a little one gets a boo-boo simply wash it down and put some Neosporin on it. Not only will it heal quickly, but kids don’t dread it since it doesn’t sting.
Children’s Tylenol
When kids get fevers or suffer some kind of an injury which leaves them feeling aches and pains, it’s up to Tylenol to save the day. Not only does it work efficiently, but the flavors seem to be kid approved.
Most kids will actually get excited when it’s time to take a spoonful of Tylenol. Not only will it taste yummy, but they know that feeling better is just around the corner.
A Thermometer
Any mom can tell you how valuable a thermometer is. When your kid has the first signs of illness coming on it’s important to take their temperature and rule out a fever.
Sometimes even if a child doesn’t seem to have a fever, it may not be obvious. Taking their temperature will ensure whether you need to give them medication or not and whether it’s time to call the doctor.
Kids go through their day going all kinds of crazy things. From jumping off of surfaces to doing tumbles in the street. You just never know what kind of wild maneuver they’re going to try out which often leads to injury.
Sometimes the only way to wipe away their tears is to offer the comfort of a band-aid. A mom should have band-aids not only in her medicine cabinet but also in her purse. And the more colors and character which are printed on them, the more effective they are for curing boo-boos.
When a little one bangs something against a hard surface whether it’s on their knee or their forehead it can lead to some pretty serious bruising. Keeping some arnica cream on hand and applying it directly after impact will help prevent bruising. It doesn’t sting and can be used for adults too.
I’m not a mom (well my wife is the mom) but we must really have these. This is a great checklist. Told my wife i’ll do some web search on some medicines we should have for emergency. Now that our first born is on the way, we should be prepared all the time. Thank you for this!