Scale and the Battle Against Global Warming
Global warming is a very, very serious problem. Our actions as a species have fundamentally altered the global climate, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise as greenhouse gases trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere for longer. That’s why many of us are trying to hard to reduce our environmental impact. We invest in solar energy, strive to use public transit, and even try to eat less red meat because we know that the beef industry is responsible for so many greenhouse gases.
But global warming is, as the name suggests, a global problem. And that means that it needs global solutions. While it’s important that we each do our part, nothing that any of us do can offset the environmental impact of poor decisions made by our government – to say nothing of poor decisions made by countries with larger populations, like China.
The truth is that only actions taken on a large scale can effectively combat the huge trend of global warming. The good news is that such actions can be taken – and, in some cases, already are.
Solutions at scale in the corporate world
Most of us live fairly modest lives, in the grand scheme of things. Most of us have just one home, just one or two cars, just some modest number of light bulbs and TVs and computers. Our energy consumption isn’t that huge.
But companies – those are different. Even small businesses often use more energy than we do in our homes. Large corporations with dozens of offices use an incredible amount – and they encourage individuals to use more, too, thanks to their commutes, traveling for work, working from home, and other things they wouldn’t have or do if not for their job.
So when a company invests in efficient electrical motors or other energy-saving devices, that’s a much bigger deal. Thankfully, some energy-efficient solutions are now as good for companies’ bottom lines as they are for the environment. That’s why efficient motors and energy solutions of the type made by Power Jack Motion are so popular. And this dollars and cents part is key because businesses rarely act out of the goodness of their corporate hearts – they need financial incentives or government regulations.
Speaking of government, let’s move on to our next section.
Solutions at scale in government
The governments of the world – and particularly of the world’s largest countries – are the most important players on the climate change stage. When they mandate that companies use certain energy solutions, or that companies make cars with certain emissions standards, companies have to listen.
On top of this, governments are also consumers themselves. When a company like Sompor puts solar panels on streetlights, we’re witnesses a government solution with a huge impact – a whole municipality going green. From city buses to the light bulbs in huge government buildings, there’s a lot that governments can do to make an impact even before they begin to regulate others.
Politics and the future of the climate
The fact that only solutions at scale can really affect the realities of global warming means, paradoxically, that we each much individually act. Not just to reduce our own impact – while that’s admirable, we’ve seen that it’s insufficient – but to speak out to our government and to vote with our conscience in order to bring about the large-scale changes that we need.
It’s our government that will make international pacts (or break them) and design regulations that keep companies green (or do away with them). The government can sponsor plans that use rebates, tax breaks, education, government agencies, government workers, and other strategies and resources to combat global warming.
We can control our government. And if we’re going to bring about solutions at scale, we’ll need to.
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