Realizing the Importance of Fiber with Metamucil
I’ve recently partnered with P&G Everyday as they launch their Empty Nest, Full Life platform where you can find coupons for P&G products, recipes, inspiration, and much more!
When I was younger, I never could understand why there were so many commercials about fiber products on the television. Why was it important? I mean everyone uses the bathroom right. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized it wasn’t about people not being able to use the bathroom, it was about the fact that some people ( me included) can’t seem to have a regular schedule every day.
And I will admit that my eating habits aren’t the best, so I can always use a little help in that department as well. That is where Metamucil comes in. Just a quick drink in the morning and I don’t have to worry about those painful moments when you feel like you must go but can’t go. Plus, I love that it is doctor recommended and that I can take it up to three times a day every day and it won’t mess up my digestive health. Why? Because it is made from psyllium, a natural super fiber that works to help restore regularity*.
I know a lot of people my age are experiencing more and more of those painful moments whether it be physical or emotional. I am a huge basket case of nerves with my daughter moving to California and being there for 5 years or more. I am a ball of emotions! Facing an empty nest isn’t fun, and that is why I am glad there are companies like Proctor & Gamble that realize just because we are empty nesters, doesn’t mean that our lives are over. They started a program called Empty Nest, Full Life that is geared toward people facing the time when their kids spread their wings and fly from the nest.
I’ve recently partnered with P&G Everyday as they launch their Empty Nest, Full Life platform where you can find coupons for P&G products, recipes, inspiration, and much more!
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