Features of Garden Potting Tables That Make Gardening Easier

Features of Garden Potting Tables That Make Gardening Easier from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Gardening is one of the most relaxing hobbies anyone can do. It involves physical labor and minimal materials, making it one of the best pastimes if you love to stay at home. In the United States, approximately 35 percent of households grow food either at home or in a community garden. This considerable percentage only shows that more Americans are fond of this outdoor activity. 

If you’re interested in trying gardening, you must have the complete tools, equipment, and furniture. The garden potting table should be on top of your buying list. It’s not an ordinary table because it helps carry out gardening tasks easily. 

Why Do You Need A Garden Potting Table? 

A potting bench or table is a vital piece that helps gardeners perform tasks without straining their backs. It is a built-in structure that serves as a potting station and storage. It comes with other essential features that make gardening a lot easier. 

Also, the potting bench is made of high-quality wood and metal, specially designed to withstand prolonged exposure from direct sunlight and harsh weather conditions. Certain types of wood, like Acacia, Eucalyptus, Teak, and Fully-Capped Composite, are time-tested materials that have resistance to mold and rot. 

Best Features of Garden Potting Tables

  • Right Height And Dimension

For starters, a garden potting table with a nice dimension matters to align plants easily. The height of the bench should be slightly lower compared to your kitchen counter because pots have at least a foot in height. Choose tables with 30” to 40” height to assemble the base with soil easily. 

  • Solid-Built Base

The base of the table should be sturdy enough to carry the weight of pots, bags of soil, watering can and other tools. Routine activities such as potting, require a solid base for support. The screws should be permanently secure to avoid loose bolts, which lead to the collapse of the table. 

In buying these tables, inspect the build and frame to see if the working area can resist pressure and weight. 

  • Built-In Sink

To make it easier to clean up the mess from soil, fertilizer and pruning leaves or branches, having a built-in sink is recommended. You can collect all the debris here and dump it in a compost bin. This provides ease of cleaning compared to having a regular table in your backyard. 

  • Wheels

If your garden is big, getting around with a potting bench provides ease in transplanting and adding compost to plants. Without having to walk and carry heavy pots from time to time, you can be productive and save your energy for other important tasks. 

Not a lot of people recognize the importance of potting benches with wheels. However, after some time of carrying heavy pots from one place to another, the idea immediately comes to mind. 

  • Storage 

Some potting benches have built-in cabinets and mesh for organizing and storing tools for gardening. Having storage keeps the working area or base uncluttered, which makes it easy for you to reach out for the equipment you need. 

Consider these features when buying potting tables. Instead of only focusing on the aesthetic value of the table, try to check the build and function to get your money’s worth.

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