Can Twins Sleep in the Same Bassinet Or Crib?

If you thought raising a single infant is a handful, imagine raising two infants. It takes herculean patience and dedication to do everything right by them right off the bat. Every other thing aside, we will be focusing on the sleeping aspect of twins in this article.

Can Twins Sleep in the Same Bassinet Or Crib from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

So you’ve got a pair of twins on the way, and you want to be prepared before they arrive. It is smart to carry out thorough research regarding what you need to educate yourself about and what are the most twin-friendly baby products out there, which double bassinet for twins is on the top of your list.

When it comes to sleeping arrangements, we believe that bassinets are the best option out there for parents to comfortably sleep right next to their newborn and tend to their every need within seconds. But with twins, the scenario becomes slightly more complicated.

Putting two infants to sleep can be quite the experience, especially for new parents. You’ll find yourself tiptoeing around one asleep baby while trying to put the other to sleep. You’ll hope one does not wake the other when they are finally asleep.

Feeding them is an entirely another parade. But all in all, it’s all a part of what makes parents of twins the ultimate multi-taskers out there.

So to help you figure out what is the safest and most practical way of putting your twins to sleep, we’ve put together an explanation of whether it’s okay for you to put your twins to sleep in the same crib.

Is It Safe for Twins to Sleep in the Same Bassinet Or Crib?

Can twins share a bed or a crib? The short and straightforward answer is yes, they can. But it is not as simple as that. With the affirmation of twins sharing a crib, there are more than a few aspects that need to be considered.

Twins can share a crib, but it is only okay to do so in the very beginning. When it comes to the safety standards and benefits or harms of co-bedding for twins, they have not been established yet.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), these safety standards are set more according to the crib’s instructions, weight, and age limit rather than the number of babies sleeping in it.

The default instructions are naturally set for a single infant. However, some experts warn that if you’re using a crib with a relatively small sleeping area, it can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or suffocation. SIDS is a leading cause of death among infants.

Cribs and bassinets are explicitly designed to allow the best possible airflow and maintain a good amount of breathability.

Right at the beginning, when your babies are unable to move around much, it is safe for twins to sleep next to each other. Some experts are of the view that twins are so used to being together before birth that keeping together in the initial months keeps them calm, feel secure, and sleep better as well.

Can Twins Sleep in the Same Crib Cause Any Harm?

Twins take up twice the space in the womb than a single baby. That is why twins have a higher chance to be born prematurely or have low birth weights. Either of these conditions can put them at several health risks, including an increased risk of SIDS.

Can Twins Sleep in the Same Bassinet Or Crib from North Carolina Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

In such cases, most experts recommend putting them to sleep in separate cribs right from the start. This will ensure that neither of the babies gets overheated or becomes entangled with the other one when unattended.

However, as we said earlier, if your babies were born perfectly healthy, there’s no hard and fast safety rule for this that you should be worried about. You need to monitor their activity and sleep patterns.

The final decision is yours, and it depends on your better sense of judgment. Though for most parents, space is an issue that makes this situation difficult situation.

Can Twins Sleep in the Same Bassinet?

It can be hard to fit two cribs in your bedroom. Experts also recommend that babies should sleep in the same room as their parents at least for the first three to six months. With twins, you’ll have to get up more often and go to the nursery, should you decide to place the cribs in another room.

As compared to cribs that can take up quite the space, options such as smaller bassinets designed especially for twins or even pack ‘n plays can help save space. These can be easily folded up during the day or when not in use.

When Exactly Do You Make Them Sleep Apart?

Once your twin babies start to roll over, fling their arms and legs, its time to make put them in separate cribs. The size of your house, your budget for cribs, and the sleep habits you’ve established in the initial months with your little ones will play a vital role in this transition.

Also remain advised that while you can put your twins to sleep in a single crib, this rule does not apply to other baby products. You will need to invest in two car seats and double-strollers for your newborn twins.

Final Thoughts

Newborn twins can undoubtedly remain in the same crib for the first few months. If you’re short on space, you can invest in a smart bassinet with roomy sleeping space. They’re lightweight with a small footprint, and some even come with wheels.

The ideal way to keep your baby warm in night has always swaddled him before placing him in the crib or bassinet. This not only helps them sleep better but also feel ‘held’ and secure. When you swaddle your twins, you prevent their chances of any physical interaction between them.

Twins generally are thought to sleep better when they know the other is close by. You can carry on with the crib-sharing until they are active and ready to move into their childhood beds. You may make the switch to two cribs eventually when the twins begin to sit up, roll over or bump into one another.

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