What to Get for the Dad Who Has Everything?

I remember when my girls were smaller how they loved to create Father’s Day gifts for my husband and my dad. Heck, I can even remember the gifts that I would make for my day. Somehow with Father’s Day occurring when school is out, dads seem to get the short end of the deal. A lot of time and thought are put into what to get Mom for Mother’s Day but for Dad.

I have learned that sometimes the best gift are those from the heart. Like with my dad I knew that anything that had to do with the Lions Club, Marine Corps or being a policeman was right up his alley. My husband well he would be happy to have a 12 pack of beer. But my girls certainly can’t go to the store to buy him this because they all are still under the age of 21, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t let me go get and they do something to personalize it.

What you ask? Why that is simple just print out some cute coloring pages for Father’s Day and attach this heartfelt works of art to any gift. It is a great way for kids to show Dads just how much they mean to them. Of course this is right up my daughter, Gracie’s alley. Just this past year she has discovered her love of art and she has the artistic talent. I think she gets this from my mom because heavens know I can’t draw a lick. Just check out one of her pieces of art that did for her dad.

father's day

Of course she had her alternative motives for this piece of artwork. She wants to keep the kittens inside. 🙂 Do you think it will work?

Now I challenge you to give a gift from the heart and make a handmade gift for dad.

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