To Homeschool or Not?

Lately I have been toying with the idea of homeschooling my eight old daughter. She has what we believe is IBS . I know part of this comes from stress. This stress can be attributed to the big EOG’s this year. She gets stressed when she has to take tests that are timed. This idea has been laying heavy on my mind especially since I am a substitute teacher and I have seen the class sizes of the 4th and 5th grades in her school. How can a teacher meet the needs of all her students when there are 30-32 students in class. Would it be better for her to have one on one teaching from me or is it better to send her to school for the socialization skills. I am just not sure. I am writing this blog because I know that some of my fellow bloggers and followers are homeschooling their kids and thought I would ask for opinions and suggestions. How did you know homeschooling was right for you and your child? What curriculum do you use? How would I go about homeschooling?? My mind is full of many questions and not so many answers. I am at this point unsure of what it is I need to do??? Would love to here your thoughts and comments on this issue. Thanks in advance for reading and also thanks for following me. You guys rock!!

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  1. First, let me say that I do not homeschool. I think that you are correct in the fact that this decision has to be weighed carefully. If I were in your position, I think I would check out my resources first. I am in Florida and our public school system within the last couple of years has opened up “virtual” school for grades 1-12, so the public school could provide the curriculum. I don't know if you have this in your area. Also, I know quite a few people that homeschool their kids and they are set up through a group at their church. They each homeschool their kids, but meet for a predetermined set of classes that are taught by different parents, so the kids have exposure to more teachers and the socialization. Also, I am in an area that has a homeschool sports/athletic program so the kids can compete against students at different schools at sports.

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