Protecting Your Property and Family: How to Tell If a Tree is Sick, Dead or Dying Tree

Protecting Your Property and Family: How to Tell If a Tree is Sick, Dead or Dying Tree from NC Lifestyle Blogger Adventures of Frugal Mom

Natural landscapes are filled with trees. People enjoy being around nature and that includes trees and gardens. At certain points in our lifetime, we might begin to see a change in the nature around us. That once mighty tree may be deteriorating and dying. A dying or dead tree can begin to creep up on us and endanger structures or others around us.

Quick Tests

If you’re suspecting that your tree may be dead or dying then it’s most likely got some typical decaying look from the outside. The way you can check this, even more, is through two different physical tests. The first test is using a twig. If you can, grab a twig or small branch and break it off. If the wood is green in the middle then that tree is still alive. If the branch broke quickly and is lightweight then it is called deadwood, a sign that the tree is in the process of dying. If a large percentage of different twigs from the tree are brown and breaking easily it means the whole thing is dying. Along with the discoloration and fragility, it will also be quite dry, if it only affects certain parts of the tree then remove these parts. If you are still unsure you can contact a local tree expert Grapevine.

Large trees may prove difficult to find a branch, in this case, test the bark instead. Scratching the bark of the tree will show if it’s green or not. Again the same principle applies to the bark that was included with the twigs.

Signs of Death

A tree is pretty much set in growing directly up in a vertical position. If you want to see if a tree is dead, look at the trunk. A leaning trunk will be a telltale sign that the lean is due to other roots encroaching on its space or if they’ve lifted up through the soil.  Signs of cracks in the bark or trunk can indicate something as well.

Branches can be another source of visual representation whether or not they’re shaped in a “V” shape is when they’re weak. The normal curve is a nice and flexible “U” curve meaning the wood is able to grow.

Internally you can check out to see how things are as well. This includes looking for hollowed-out areas that might have been caused by soil systems being uprooted or insects taking hold in certain parts of the tree and drilling in. Any presence of mushrooms or fungi for that matter are signs that another life is taking hold of the tree and ripping through it.

Eliminating the Threat

In the event of moving the tree and getting rid of it surfaces, you’ll need some help. Heisinger Tree Service can get the job done in no time. If a tree does not care for it can become a hazard by large breaking branches called hangers and could be harmful if they fall on populated areas. This service doesn’t only get rid of trees but also will be able to take care of and maintain trees during their lifetime.

Solutions to Decay

If you’ve seen a lot of these problems with the tree, a tree surgeon will be able to stop it before the tree entirely dies or crashes down in a catastrophe. Hanging and weak branches should be removed; dependent on their location and how hazardous they are to the people below.

Around a leaning trunk, you can remove some of the excess change of the ground around it to make it steady and vertical. You want to limit the amount that the wind can push it and assess if the soil has any drainage issues. Staking and pruning the area around it can make for a safer foundation.

Before deciding to get rid of a large plant or tree, consider what type it is and any cracks that may have formed.  If the damage is irreversible then it’d be better to just get rid of the thing entirely. Pruning and getting rid of weak branches and other spots of weakness can easily fix minor damage. You’ll be able to add a mixture of hardware to fix the tree, such as stakes and by repairing soil and removing weak spots of branches.

Overall, your trees can either be taken out if they are dead, sometimes the only option, or try to hang on and repair them. You can always plant another one! Don’t fret! Any tree doctor Salt Lake City offers can get you squared away in no time!

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  1. Great post! It is certainly a great idea to hire a tree removal service, they can eliminate a lot of stress and hassle. Thanks for sharing!

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