It’s About The Dash Between

The other day I was reading in my devotional, Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl  something totally struck me. I knew the moment that I read the line in the book that I would blog about it. In the book, Lysa TerKeurst writes about a friend who had just passed away. And how when they posted her birth and death days she started thinking about the dash between those dates. Although the days of our birth and death are important, what is more, important is that dash between those days.

That dash represents our lives. Are we living up to our potential? Are we doing everything that God wants us to do with our lives? Just the other day I was chatting with Laura, a sweet friend of mine who was telling me that she feels called to do something but she is hesitant to do it. Because first it is out of her comfort zone and second she doesn’t need one more thing to add to her already overflowing plate. Then today on the First 5 App  what she felt God is telling her to do was addressed. Pure coincidence I think not.

It is amazing what God will put in front of you if you are open to His message. I will admit that I struggle a lot with trying to figure out God’s Purpose for my life. I often feel like I don’t have one and I feel so unloved. This study has totally hit home for me. I was actually in tears last week crying out what is my purpose!

I realize that was the devil working on my heart and in the words of my friend, Beverly Weeks, I tee-totally stomped on the devil and hurt his little feelings but that’s okay I felt the loving arms of God wrap around me as I wept those tears of joy.

Does that mean I know what my purpose is? Not yet but I am open to learning what it is. I know one thing it has led me to write this post.

So what do I want my dash to mean? I want to be the best person I know I can be. How about you? And to help remind  myself daily about the dash I made this awesome printable that I decided to share with you.

dash feature

If you want one to hang on your wall, just click here  to grab it.

So tell me what is your dash?  

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  1. I pray that the dash means that God used me in people’s lives for good! I remember hearing this about the dash a long time ago, and thought it was interesting, as well! 🙂 #HomeMattersParty

  2. Apps like the First 5 and websites like proverbs 31 are so amazing to me. I was on proverbs 31 this morning reading the daily devo and now I am thinking I need to re download the First 5 app!

  3. I know I love the First 5 app. I have fallen in love with the Old Testament. I always thought it was boring book, but now I am loving it.

  4. This is a wonderful post. I’m so thankful you shared the printable for our wallet. Such a great reminder about what’s important! Thank you #HomeMattersParty

  5. This is a wonderful reminder that the dash between our dates is truly what’s important in our lives. It’s hard to remember that when we’re living our daily lives.
    I’m a lot like your friend, I feel pushed to do something, but I keep holding off.

    Thank you for sharing with us on the #HomeMattersParty. I’m glad that we are co-hosts together.

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