Can Online Learning Replace Traditional Educations? Exploring the Future of Education in America

Virtual school enrolments are booming, with institutions around the world boasting 20 to 45 per cent growth annually. But could internet schools ever replace traditional classrooms? We examine the next frontier in education.

Online Learning Gets Results

online learning

Image Via Flickr by Ed Yourdon

If you thought there was no substitute for a traditional teacher, think again. In 2009, the U.S. Department of Education found “students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.”

Teachers aren’t becoming obsolete though. The study found students performed best with a combination of online and face-to-face learning.

Learn More Subjects Online

Traditional schools are restricted by their teachers’ expertise and the demands of most students. As a result, many subjects simply aren’t available to interested pupils.

Through online colleges, students can study specialty programs that aren’t available at nearby educational institutions. This is particularly true for students in rural and regional areas, who may not live near a bricks and mortar college.

Learn at Your Own Pace, and in Your Own Time

The flexibility of online classes helps them appeal to a range of students. Those struggling with a concept can spend extra time on it, while advanced students can race ahead to new lessons.

Students can learn at home or on the go, rather than in a more intimidating classroom environment. This is perfect for shy students, who University of Michigan lecturer Dr. Ken Balazovich says “don’t want to do is make a wrong answer in front of 400 people.”

They can also set their own schedules. One of the great things about our program is that anyone seeking career advancement can study for their MBA at night while still working nine to five. Stay-at-home parents can also improve their skills in readiness of returning to the workforce, and full-time students can schedule class time around with employment to pay down their loans.

Online Schools Prepare Students for the Workforce

All schools should lay the foundations for students to succeed in the future, but it seems online institutions do it better than most. Computers and the internet are integral to most workforces. In 1999, the U.S. Department of Education suggested online-educated students were most familiar with the technology, and better equipped to use it in their careers.

Traditional Schools Still Have Their Strengths

Research suggests students will take half of their courses online by 2019. That’s a significant number, but it also means half of all courses will continue to be delivered by more traditional methods.

While online instruction works well in subjects that require repetition, such as math and foreign languages, “it is not – and never will be – the best way to teach philosophy,” explained media theorist DouglasRushkoff.

“Ultimately there are certain fundamental interactions that schools and colleges facilitate that are very difficult to truly replicate online,” added digital pioneer Collis Ta’eed. “It’s the personal nature of a teacher sitting next to you guiding you through a problem, or a lunch break with a fellow student, a class project in the library or an extra-curricular activity after school.”

The face of education is changing, but that doesn’t mean traditional college classrooms are facing extinction. Instead, it seems the profile of online instruction will increase as teachers create online courses to enhance educational opportunities for their students.

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One Comment

  1. There are many educational academies that have started offering online courses for students, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Online technologies are surly going to change the colleges and universities in the future. There is no doubt that online learning is revolutionizing American education, it is overcoming the geographic and demographic restrictions.

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