13 Simple Cooking Rules To Teach The Kids

cooking mistakes

Cooking is a fun way to bond with the kids, and it helps prepare some important life lessons for later, too. Getting children used to the idea of where ingredients come from, how to prepare them, and what works well with what positions them well to survive when they finally leave home. Knowing how to cook can be the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, so why not try teaching your young ones a few kitchen basics? You might even learn something as you go along!

It’s best if it stays fun and creative, which means you can get them acquainted with one of the fundamental lessons of home cooking: taste as you go. Remembering to try your food while you’re preparing it (as long as it’s safe) means that you can make adjustments to make it better, to save a disaster, or to steer it more in the direction of your personal preferences. See how excited the kids will become when you go ‘off-recipe’!

The safety issue is one to remember, though, even if it’s not so much fun. For example, meat should always be cooked from room temperature, which helps to ensure that it cooks evenly throughout. Cold, refrigerated meat may stay uncooked in the middle – and this could result in food poisoning. Not a lesson you want your children to experience first hand, so let them see the way you handle meat and they will grow up doing it right.

This fabulous new infographic from QuidCorner gathers a baker’s dozen of such essential tips into one easy-to-use resource. You might even want to share it with your children, although there’s no substitute for giving them a one-on-one lesson. Cover each of these potential kitchen mishaps in your dinnertime lessons, and your kids should grow up healthy, engaged – and talented!


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One Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing! I have one niece and she really loves cooking. I still wondering don’t know how to teach her. Now I know the right way.

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